How to Customise your Shopify Store - Customer Reset Password

How to Customise your Shopify Store - Customer Reset Password

Customising the customer reset password page on your Shopify store can improve the user experience and reinforce your brand identity. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

How to Customise Your Shopify Store's Customer Reset Password Page

Step 1: Access Your Shopify Admin

  1. Log in to your Shopify account.
  2. Once logged in, you'll be directed to your Shopify admin dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate to the Theme Editor

  1. From the Shopify admin dashboard, go to "Online Store" and click on "Themes."
  2. Locate your current theme and click the "Actions" button next to it.
  3. Select "Edit code" from the dropdown menu to open the theme editor.

Step 3: Locate the Reset Password Templates

  1. In the theme editor, look for the "Templates" or "Sections" folder on the left-hand side.
  2. Find the files named customers/reset_password.liquid and customers/reset_password_notification.liquid. These templates control the reset password page and the notification email sent to customers.

Step 4: Customise the Reset Password Page Template

  1. Click on the customers/reset_password.liquid file to open it.
  2. Familiarise yourself with the existing code. This template includes HTML and Liquid code that defines the structure and appearance of the reset password page.
  3. Customise the template to match your brand’s style. You can:
    • Adjust the layout to make it more user-friendly and visually appealing.
    • Add branding elements such as your logo, colours, and fonts.
    • Include personalised messages or instructions for your customers.
  4. Ensure any customisation does not interfere with the functionality of the reset password process.

Step 5: Customise the Reset Password Notification Template

  1. Click on the customers/reset_password_notification.liquid file to open it.
  2. Modify the template to align with your brand’s tone and style. You can:
    • Add your logo and brand colours.
    • Customise the text to provide clear and reassuring instructions.
    • Ensure the reset password link is prominently displayed and easy to click.
  3. Save your changes.

Step 6: Add Custom CSS (if needed)

  1. If you need to make further style adjustments, you may need to add custom CSS.
  2. In the theme editor, look for the "Assets" folder and find your CSS file (often named theme.scss.liquid or similar).
  3. Add your custom CSS at the bottom of this file. For example, you might want to adjust the form’s spacing, input field styles, or button designs.
  4. Save your changes.

Step 7: Preview and Test

  1. After making your changes, click the "Save" button to save your modifications.
  2. To ensure your customisations look as expected, navigate to the customer reset password page on your store and request a password reset email.
  3. Verify that the layout, design, and functionality are all working correctly. Test the reset password process to ensure it is smooth and error-free.

Step 8: Make Additional Adjustments (if necessary)

If you notice any issues or areas for improvement during testing, go back to the theme editor and make the necessary adjustments. Repeat the testing process until you are satisfied with the customisations.


Customising the customer reset password page on your Shopify store helps create a seamless and branded experience for your customers. By following these steps, you can ensure the reset password process is not only functional but also visually appealing, enhancing the overall user experience on your store.